Ejercicio Existencial del Cuerpo que Habla
(2012 – 2016)
Ejercicio Existencial del Cuerpo que Habla is a multidisciplinary work conformed of 3 pieces and 1 original music album of the trilogy titled Schizoid Concert for Five Bodies thar Scream in Yellow Disaster(Schizophrenic concert for five bodies that scream yellow disaster) , with influences of “palabra hablada” (sponken word).
The pieces start off from a trinomial exploration of word/movement/sound in which the body is placed -as container of it's own history- to the resonance of each one of this concepts to place and expose it self in s field of action. It's a collaborative work among its performers, musicians and illuminators.
Ejercicio Existencial del Cuerpo que Habla, trilogía, 2012 – 2016
Nayeli Santos, dirección general e intérprete (Parte I, II y III)
José Siordia, intérprete (Parte I y II)
Cristóbal Barreto Heredia, intérprete y acompañamiento literario (Parte II)
Abel Álvarez Marín, drummer (Part II y III)
Diana Barragán, base (Part I)
Daniela López, production and illumination (Part I, II y III)
Fausto Alzati Fernández, literary accompaniment (Part I)
Schizoid Concert for Five Bodies thar Scream in Yellow Disaster
The album is conformed by amix of several musical passages and poetic of the trilogy. In it you can appreciate the concept and the existential intention of the piece threw the voices and sounds of its interpreters.
AUDIO (full disc)
Nayeli Santos, general direction and voice
José Siordia, voice
Abel Alvarez Marín, drums
Diana Barragan, base
Pedro Romo, guitarra
Daniela Lopez, illumination and production for live concert.
Masterización en el estudio Laboratorio Sensorial, en Guadalajara México.
Fotografías por Rocío Lomelí, Yorch Gómez, Carlos Boix y Danaé Cotsiras.